Monday, April 23, 2012

Ralphies' dilemma

 My name is Ralphie and I am a good friend of Emma Marie.  I live down the street from Emma and we have so much fun together.  I also like to play with her two big brothers in their sand box. Emma plays with us also.  It is a really big sand box and we can build roads and hills all over it.  You would love it.

I was talking with Emma the other day and she told me how hard it was to be Shelby's friend. I know what she means, but Emma and I need to learn how to be her friend.  Next week Topsy is going to have a birthday party. Maybe we can invite Shelby to come.  I think Shelby isn't adjusted to her new home or something like that.  But, before you go to bed, do I have a story for you!

It happened two days ago, when my big brother George was at baseball practice and Emma and I were playing together. I got this great idea. At least, I thought it was a GREAT idea.  Emma didn't think it was so GREAT, but I couldn't resist the temptation any longer. For days George's new red bike was staring at me in the garage and I couldn't resist it any more. I just knew that  I could ride it. Before I realized it, my feet were on the pedals and I was spinning down the driveway. The bike was really too big for me, but I was doing pretty good keeping my balance UNTIL  Pepper, my dog, saw me and started barking at my leg. I tried to stop him, but I couldn't keep my balance and I crashed right into the stone wall at the end of our driveway.

Oh, no!  I knew I was in BIG trouble now.  Emma came running.  "Are you all right, Ralphie?" she asked. My knees were pretty banged up and my elbow was scrapped.  Actually, I was a mess !
Emma was more scared than I.  "Ralphie, what are you going to do?  George is going to kill you." she exclaimed..

Why didn't I listen to Emma in the first place. She was right, WHAT WAS A GOING TO DO?   My first thought was to hide it in the backyard under the bushes,or behind the tool shed.  But than I thought to myself, "that isn't too smart! What do I say when he finds it under the bushes or behind the shed?  No matter what I do, nothing is going to cure my problem. I guess the only solution is to face George myself and tell him what happened. But wait, maybe I could fix it?  No that won't work The front fender was badly twisted."

There was no way to repair it without help. So Emma and I decided to pick it up and take it back into the garage and wait for George.   No sooner did we get the bike back into the garage when my father drove up the driveway and saw us with George's bike.  "What are you kids doing with George's bike?"  He asked inquisitively.  When he saw it smashed up, my Dad was petty upset.  I tried to tell him that I was very sorry and to forgive me.  He did forgive me but, there was a serious consequence. 

In two months I was going to get my new bike for my birthday and I knew what was coming. Daddy said "Ralphie why did you take your brother's bike without permission especially when it is really too big for you?  I am so sorry son, but with the money I was going to buy your new bike for your birthday, I am going to fix your brothers and you will have to wait".

I can't tell you how hard that was to hear.  I wanted a bike so badly, but it made me think about something my daddy taught a while ago about temptation,. "Son, there are temptations all around you, but the Lord will always give you an escape."  Daddy was right, I was tempted and I didn't listen to the Lord.  He was using Emma to stop me. She is a real friend. If only I had listened.  I hope tomorrow will be a better day and that I don't get tempted again.                                                                                                                                            

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