Friday, January 27, 2012

Fuzzy Wuzzy

                            The Story of Fuzzy Wuzzy

When I was a little girl, my mother told me this little poem.  Later I made up a story about Fuzzy Wuzzy for my grand children.

  Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,
  Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair
  Fuzzy Wuzzy, wasn't fuzzy was he?

Fuzzy Wuzzy was born with his hair sticking up like a porcupine.  The other little cubs would make fun of him calling him "Porky", but  Fuzzy Wuzzy didn't mind being called names because his mother had taught him to say ,"sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt him."

One day when he was old enough go alone to the river to catch salmon, he saw for the first time his reflection in the water. Fuzzy thought to himself, "You are the ugliest cub I have ever seen." Fuzzy picked up his paw and splashed the water to break up his reflection, but it didn't do any good.  His reflection came right back and Fuzzy Wuzzy was very angry at himself. He didn't care if he ever went home again or saw another bear cub.  He thought to himself," everyone is right, I do look like a porcupine!'  It was getting dark and close to supper time, but Fuzzy didn't care.  He just wanted to hide forever.

Racket the raccoon was coming down to the river to wash his paws for supper, when he saw Fuzzy Wuzzy sitting with his head in his paws."What is the matter, my good friend' said Racket, ' you look so sad?" Fuzzy Wuzzy didn't say a word but kept looking straight down at the ground. "Hey, Fuzzy,' asked Racket, 'Didn't you hear about your family?" Now, that got Fuzzy;s attention. "What do you mean my family?  What is the matter?" responded Fuzzy anxiously

"Earlier this morning a big truck from the circus drove into the Green Forest looking for a special bear family to train for a special act and they chose yours."  Fuzzy didn't know what to think. "I have always wanted to be in the circus.  I heard that you get three good meals a day and you're treated you like a king.  But, look at me Racket, my hair sticks up like a porcupine, the circus wouldn't want me."  "I wouldn't be too surprised about that, Fuzzy," said Racket, "You are just the perfect  kind of bear.  You were created very special, and with a friendly personality like yours, the boys and girls will love you.  I think you should go and catch up with your family right now."

Fuzzy Wuzzy was excited for the first time that day.  He left the river, headed home, packed his suit case and started for the city.  A farmer, driving in a pick up truck stopped to give Fuzzy a ride. "Where are you going, my little cub?," asked the driver. "To the circus in town. Will you take me there?" answered Fuzzy hopefully. "I will get you there as soon as I can. You hop in the back and I will have you there A.S.A.P."

The farmer and Fuzzy arrived at the circus just as his family were being taking into their new home.  When Fuzzy saw his parents, brothers and sisters, he took off like a shot to give them a  BIG BEAR HUG! Fuzzy Wuzzy and his family became the most popular bear act in the whole circus, in fact, today if you ever go the circus remember to say hello to Fuzzy Wuzzy for me.

Boys and girls, sometimes you might not like the way God created you, but you must remember that He loves His creation and you are NOT to compare yourself with another.  How would you like it if you created something you thought was very beautiful and somebody said it was ugly.  Wouldn't that hurt your feelings?  Of course it would.  God loves you just the way He created you to be for Himself.  You are His special and beautiful creation.

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