Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Secret of the Purple Feathers

In a far away Kingdom of  birds, the King was very unusual. Most of the birds in his Kingdom had feathers that were, either  yellow, brown, red, orange, or blue, but the king's feathers were purple. Because of His beauty and outstanding kindness to all the others birds, he was voted to become King of the birds. All the birds loved him.  He was very wise and patient, helping them to work out their grievances and to forgive each other.

King Purple bird was getting very old.  He had been King for many years and still there wasn't another purple bird to take his place.  He had hoped by now that one of the birds would have figured out his secret, as to why his feathers were purple, but they hadn't. He began to think to himself, "What is going to happen to my Kingdom when I fly off?  Who will there be to settle arguments and keep the peace in the bird Kingdom?" These thoughts  made King Purple very sad. Maybe he would just have to make public his secret. But no, he thought, I will wait one more season. Perhaps, this Spring there will be one purple feathered baby bird born to be the next King.

 The winter was long and hard that year. The snow and ice had made it extra hard to find enough food. So many of the birds had to fly South to warmer weather.  King Purple bird stayed behind to protect the Kingdom and the  make sure that the BIG BLACK CAT didn't ruin his Kingdom.  In the Spring when the birds began to return, King Purple Bird made sure there was a grand welcome.  Upon their return, King Purple Bird would plan a big feast with all the best bird seeds, peanut butter on pine cones and bird suet.

Spring finally came and it was now time to fly back to King Purple Bird. Outside the palace was a beautiful, mulberry bush just starting to bloom.  Mrs. Red bird and Mrs. Blue bird were arguing over who had the mulberry bush first to build their nest.  They were making so much noise that King Purple bird flew out to see what all the fess was about. "it isn't fair,' said Mrs. blue bird, 'I got to the mulberry bush first." "Oh, no you didn't'  argued Mrs Red bird, 'I started a nest before I left for the winter."  King Purple Bird told the two mommy birds to meet him in the throne room.  He would decide what to do.

'Now ladies, the mulberry bush is big enough for both your nests. Because you can't be nice to each other, you will help each other to build your nests. Do you understand?" questioned  King Purple bird. "yes, your Majesty, we will do as you say."  the two mommies birds agreed. The next few days were very pleasant. The nests were built and the eggs were laid.  The two mommies,  now  were very good friends.waiting for their eggs to hatch. All the baby birds came to hatch at once. Pecking their way out, their little mouths opened, crying for food, Mrs. Red bird, was the first to discover how strange her babies were.  Mrs. Blue  birds babies were also strange looking. Together they flew to the palace to talk with King Purple bird.  "King Purple bird, come quickly. Something is wrong with our babies."  the two mommies cried.

As soon as he saw them, he was incredible happy.  "My dear ladies,' he excitedly said, 'do you know what they are?  I have four heirs to my throne."  What!  exclaimed the two mommies, 'four heirs to your throne? what do you mean?"   The king explained, "Your babies are little purple birds." The two mommies couldn't believe it. How did that happen?  It was like magic.  You see, when you mix blue and red together you get purple. The secret of King Purple had been discovered. While building their nests, the two mommy bird's feathers mixed together and created purple baby birds..The trumpets were blown announcing the birth of the four heirs to King Purple bird. If you are ever out in the woods and you see a purple bird, now you will  know how he got his purple feathers.

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