Monday, October 15, 2012


Hello boys and girls. Are you ready for a new adventure?  I would like to introduce you to the                      


Welcome to Sunnyvale, USA, where the happy hearts of parents and children live together sharing the love of Jesus through their many trials and tribulations.  It is a small town that perhaps you would like to visit or to live there some day.   Whether it rains or shines , you will find the children happy because their problems are always able to be worked out with a forgiving heart.  They are not perfect children, but they are the perfect children for Sunnyvale. Some children go to public school and some are home schooled.  Would you like to meet a few of them?

First, let me introduce you to George and Jennifer.  You might think that they are brother and sister, but they are not.  They are just very good friends.  As soon as they were old enough to play together, you could always count on them to get into some kind of mischief. I will have to tell you sometime about when they played fireman in the neighbor's back yard. But, for now, let me continue to introduce their friends.

You will meet Charlie.  He is George's older brother. He protects George from bully Billy, who thinks that he is a big shot, but he really is shy and insecure. He doesn't know how to be a friend.   Tucker is Jennifer's younger brother, who likes to play with the older kids, but he is really a nuisance.
  You will meet Marie. The little girl with dancing feet.  You will love to hear what happens to her dance shoes the day of her recital.  And than there is Anna, the little girl with cripple feet, who has been in a wheel chair since she was old enough to sit in it. Johnnie is also a little boy with troubled feet.  He has 'club ' feet but,  George understands and is very kind to him. Amanda is a new girl from the city and you will hear about her experiences trying to adjust to the ways of Sunnyvale.

I don't want to forget Harry the Hermit and his dog Champ.  They live together in a cabin in the woods not far from George's house. You will love his story about "baby Doe"

There will be many other friends of George and Jennifer along the way, who you will grow to know and love as much as I do.  I will be writing these adventures in chapters, so you will be able to make a book of the ADVENTURES OF GEORGE AND JENNIFER.

 I have provided an email opportunity on the side of the blog.  If you will put your email there you will be able to know when another chapter is written.  See you in Sunnyvale soon!

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