Monday, June 18, 2012

The Three Little Kittens

Have you ever heard how the three little kittens who lost their mittens and didn't know where to find them were so unhappy? They were VERY  sad especially because it was Christmas Eve and they couldn't find their mittens to hang up for Santa Cat to fill with cat nip . The three little kittens were only six month old and it was their very first Christmas to hang up their mittens. They all began to cry, "Oh mother dear, we sadly fear, our mittens we have lost". Mommy relied, "Lost your mittens, you naughty kitten  now you shall have no pie."  The three little kittens were sent off to bed without their mittens and with no dessert.

Later that evening three little mice were feeding on the fallen grains in the grain room, when they discovered three little mittens hidden under a grain bag.  Earlier that day, the three little kittens had been playing "catch me if you can" with the mice. It was a fun game and the kittens would never have thought of hurting the mice. They liked to chase each other around the grain room, over the grain bags and in and out of the grain bins.

The three little mice were so excited that they had found the mittens. But now, how were they going to get them to three little kittens in time for Santa Cat?  Quietly, they crawled through the walls of the barn trying very hard not to wake up daddy or mommy cat knowing that if they did, they would be Christmas dinner!! It was very dangerous and a very courageous act for the mice to attempt to bring the mittens to the kittens.

The three little kittens had a hard time sleeping , so they decided to get up and try to find their mittens.  Outside their window they hear scratching. "What's that noise?  Do you think it is Santa Cat already?"

Scratch, scratch, again.  They looked out the window and there stood their three little friends holding up their mittens.  "Look?"cried one. ""shhh," said the other. " Be quiet or you will wake up daddy cat" said another.

"What true friends you are to find and bring us our mittens on Christmas Eve. We can't believe that  you would risk your lives to bring us our mittens.  You are really our favorite friends."the three little kittens all agreed. "How can we ever thank you?"

The three little mice thought for a moment and finally agreed saying, "When you grow up and your appetite
 changes, just remember, who found your MITTENS!! The three little kittens all agreed and said that they would always remember, especially when they no longer chased each around the grain room.

The next morning, I think mommy and daddy cat were more surprised than any one that year.  "How ever did you find your mittens.?   The three little kittens answered, "We don't think  you grown-ups will ever understand." And neither do I.  The three little kittens never again lost their mittens and made sure they got their cat nip each Christmas.  While the three little mice never again had to worry about cats in the grain room.  The three little kittens/cats protected them all the days of their lives.


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