Friday, December 14, 2012

A Dream Come True


George and Jennifer loved to visit Harry the Hermit, especially his dog Tippins. George and Jennifer would bake cookies and bring some fruit for Harry, because they LOVED to hear all his great stories.  One day when they were out visiting their friend, he told them this story.

"Once there was a little boy named Andrew, who loved rabbits and the rabbits loved him.  Whenever, he went into the woods, the rabbits would come out to meet him.  Andrew would sit down with his little friends and spend the afternoon talking to each one of them.  He just seemed to know when one of his little friends were hurting and feeling sad. Andrew was a good listener.

One Fall afternoon when Andrew was in the woods, the rabbits came hopping out to him all at the same time. They were scared rabbits all right!   The fur on their backs was standing straight up and they all were talking at the same time.  "Help, help, help,! It is the big red fox.  He is in the woods again.  You have got to help us.  Last winter we lost many of our dearest and closest friends, " explained the scared little rabbits.

"Good heavens, I don't know what to do fellers?" said Andrew.  "let me think about it."  So Andrew left the rabbits in tears while he went home to try and figure out what to do.

That night Andrew couldn't sleep.  He was very restless thinking about his little friends' problem. Winter was coming and Andrew knew that when it snows it would be easy to track rabbit prints and who knows how many would survive until the spring.  Andrew got on his knee and began to pray, "Dear Jesus, these little friends are yours.  Please help me to know how to care for them?"  He tossed and turned and tossed and turned, and finally he fell into a deep sleep.

It was in that deep sleep that he had a very unusual dream.  Could it be possible that God was speaking to him?  He saw this huge bunny cage up on four legs in his back yard.  It had many rooms in it.  A room for each of his little friends. Then he woke up!  What could this mean?

Andrew prayed and asked Jesus what his dream meant.  Then he got this idea, a RABBIT MOTEL  for the winter.  That's it. Andrew was so excited.  He called all the boy clubs and girl clubs in the area for a big meeting. After he told the children about the rabbit's blight and how scared they were, they all decided to help Andrew build the rabbit motel and to help care for them throughout the winter months.  By Spring the big red fox would be gone and they could run and play again.

Andrew was so happy. After the Rabbit Motel was built, Andrew went back into the woods.  He hardly entered the woods before all the bunnies came running out to meet him. "Are you going to help us?", they all asked excitedly. "I sure am little fellers.  You just follow me to your new home for the winter."  One by one all the little bunnies followed Andrew to the RABBIT MOTEL,  and there they were cared for during the cold hard snowy weather. In fact, every winter from then on,  all the little bunnies knew exactly where to head when they heard the big red fox was in the woods again.

That was a great story Harry.  Is it a true story?  

"Well, not exactly, George, you know how I loved to tell a good story." explained Harry. " Now, you children run along home, before your parents wonder where you have been." 

The children left for home.  You can imagine the story that was told at the dinner table that night! 

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Miracle in the Bush

Bobbi Jacobs lived with his mother and father out in the country.  Bobbi's daddy was out of work and it was very hard to find work.  All their savings were nearly gone.  His mother was a very thrifty woman.  In the summer she canned vegetables from the garden.  There  were tomatoes for spaghetti sauce, beets, beans, peas, cucumbers for pickles and apples for apple sauce.  They were fully prepared for the long cold winters.

One morning Bobbi woke up very ill.  His mom and dad didn't know what they were going to do.  His fever was getting higher and higher.  They had just enough gas in the car to get into town to see the doctor.

Old Dr.Smith took one look at Bobbi and knew immediately what was the matter. Bobbi had contracted a disease that only eggs could cure.  He told his mother that for the next six weeks he was to have a least one egg a day. Bobbi's mother was very discouraged because there was no way she was going to be able to provide an egg for her sick little boy for the next six weeks.  That would be impossible.  She had hardly enough money to pay the doctor, never mind paying for eggs.

That night when they got home Bobbi, his mother and father knelt down on their knees and prayed for God to provide the eggs they needed  for Bobbie's illness. Prayer was the only solution to their problem.

In the morning, Bobbi's mother looked out her kitchen window and noticed a red hen walking out of a bush. She wondered, "whatever was a hen doing in our yard?"  Her curiosity couldn't wait.  She went outside only to discover an egg in a nest in the bushes.  What a surprise it was.  The Lord had answered their prayer.  She took the egg and cooked it for her son. 

That night, again they prayed, for an egg.  Sure enough, in the morning was another egg in the same nest and again the next morning another egg.  This went on for the six weeks until  Bobbi was once again strong and healthy.  Then on the morning of the sixth week, Bobbi went out to collect an egg, but the little red hen wasn't there. She had laid her last egg for Bobbi.  She was gone. They never saw her again. Where do you  think she came from and who do you think sent her?

The little red hen is a story about the faithfulness of God and how He provided  for a sick little boy.  Bobbi is grown up now with a family of his own, but he still remembers the little red hen and how her eggs were provided for him when he was very sick and his father was out of work. 

Boys and girls, never underestimate the Lord's mysterious ways. Bobbi's parents  didn't have enough money to pay for medicine they needed for their son and when they prayed the Lord answered their prayers.  Look how the Lord provided for Bobbi and his parents. The Lord Jesus loves to take care of His children.  He is watching over you while you play with your friends or when you are sick.  He will always take care of you, my little friends.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Trouble in the Back Pasture.

Chapter 7

Jennifer's Mom Mom and Pop Pop lived on two hundred acre farm, across the railroad tracks, at the other end of town. Pop Pop had many animals to care for. There were cows, sheep, chickens three pigs and especially,  Betsy and Chubby, the two work horses.  They helped Pop Pop to plow the fields in the Spring, gather the hay in the summer and pull the wagon of turnips in the Fall.  Pop Pop did not have a tractor for a long time. He didn't need one as long as Betsy and Chubby worked as a team. They could pull as much weight as a small tractor could.

One day when George and Jennifer were down at the farm, George got an idea. "Hey, Jennifer, let's take Betsy and Chubby out for a ride to the back pasture?  I don't think your Pop Pop will mind do you?"

"I don't think so George, but we better ask first.  What if Pop Pop needs them for some work today?" suggested Jennifer.

"I don't think he will need them today, Jennifer.  He is picking apples in the orchard and the horses are loose in the barn yard."

 George convinced Jennifer that it would be all right. So the children made saddles out of grain bags, stuffing them with hay, threw them on the back of the two horses, and rode off  to the back pasture.

"Isn't this the greatest fun Jennifer? The saddle isn't that comfortable, but it is better than nothing. How is Betsy doing?  Chubby is so slow," said George.

"Betsy is great! No problem.  I can handle her.  She is very gentle, George."

  What the two children did not know was that just that morning, Pop Pop had let out Goliath to gaze in the back pasture.  Goliath was a mean, ugly bull, that Pop Pop had agreed to keep on the farm for a short time. At first the children did not see Goliath gazing, but the two horses did.  Betsy and Chubby did not like Goliath.  They were afraid.of him.  The horses were determined to go back to the barn, but the children were just as determined to stay!   The horses started to go around and around in circles.  Just than Jennifer saw Goliath up on the hill.

"Oh no, George.  It is Goliath.  He sees us. We better get out of here".

So the two children let Chubby and Betsy have their reins and headed back for the barn. As the horses started to run back home, Jennifer lost control of Betsy and fell off landing on her right arm on the ground. Betsy kept racing for the barn and left Jennifer crying.

 George was almost back to the barn when he noticed Jennifer wasn't on Betsy back! Where was Jennifer? George knew he could not get Chubby to go out there again, so he grabbed his bicycle and heading out to the pasture.  Jennifer was able to to crawl her way back to the gate, open it and lock it behind her before Goliath saw her. When George found her she was exhausted , with tears running down her face.  She was in a great deal of pain.

"Oh George, I am so glad to see you, I think I broke my arm." cried Jennifer through her tears.

"Jennifer, do you think you can ride on my cross bar?  I will give you a ride home"I know that it isn't the safest place of ride, but I think it will be o.k. just this time. George had a boy's bike, which made it very convenient for Jennifer to ride on.

When Pop Pop saw the two children and especially Jennifer riding on the cross bar, he called out, "What are you two kids doing?  Jennifer, you know that you are not to ride on the cross bar."

George stopped his bike and explained to Pop Pop what had happened and without saying another word, Pop Pop went into the house, called Jennifer's mother, told her about the broken arm and to meet him at the emergency room.

Yes, her arm was broken all right.  Jennifer had to wear a cast for six months. She wasn't very happy about that.  Bedtime that night wasn't very pleasant for either George or Jennifer. Both their parents were quite  upset with their disobedient children.

If you were their parents, what punishment do you think they deserved?  I hope all Mom Mom's story time friends will always remember  how important it is TO ASK TO PERMISSION FIRST BEFORE DECIDING TO DO SOMETHING THAT YOU DON'T THINK YOU SHOULD.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It Pays to Listen

Chapter  6
Lady Jane

 Jennifer's grandmother had given her a beautiful china doll for her birthday. She called her "Lady Jane".  She was a very beautiful, special and very fragile doll.   Her grandmother had made a whole suitcase full of doll clothes just for "Lady Jane" Often she would change her outfits two or three times a day.

Lady Alice

Her best friend Maria had a china doll too. Her doll's name was "Lady Alice". Together the two little girls loved to play dolls and sharing their outfits. One afternoon, while they were playing with their special dolls, Anna, the little girl with crippled feet called and asked if they could come over to her house for some homemade ice cream. Before they left, Jennifer's mother warned them, "You better put your dolls in your bedroom Jennifer and close the door before Tucker gets up from his nap."  But, the girls were so excited about eating ice cream that they didn't listen to Jennifer's mother's warning, and left the dolls on the couch in the family room.

No sooner had they left when little Tucker was up from his nap, heading down stairs to find his mother.  On the way to the kitchen, he noticed the two dolls sitting on the couch. Without thinking Tucker picked up Maria's doll by the neck and starting walking to the kitchen.  On the way, in his socking feet, he slipped and fell to the floor.  The doll went flying out of his hands and landed on the hard tile floor The head of the china doll was severely cracked.  His mother heard the accident and came running out of the kitchen.

"Oh NO! Tucker, what have you done?".  She picked up the doll off the floor and rescued Jennifer's doll on the couch. She was not so much upset with Tucker as she was with Jennifer.  She didn't listen to her warning to put the dolls in a safe place and now look what happened.

Later in the afternoon, the girls arrived back at Jennifer's to finish their play. When they saw their dolls were missing Jennifer called out to her mother, "Where are our dolls, Mommy" 

 "Jennifer", responded Mommy, "You don't have to yell, I am right in the kitchen. You can come in here and talk with me. What is the problem?."  Of course, Mommy knew what the problem was, but she wanted to hear it from the girls.

"We can't find....our....."  Before she could get the words out, Jennifer noticed Maria's "Lady Alice" laying on the counter with her head cracked.

When Maria saw her "Lady Alice's head cracked", she was so upset.  She started to cry and ran home to tell her mother.  Jennifer was MAD at Tucker. "Now, look what you did!  You ruined our play.  Can't you leave anything alone?"

"Jennifer" exclaimed her mother, "Didn't I warn you to put her dolls in your room and close the door?  Why should you be mad at Tucker."

"But Mommy, does Tucker always have to ruin our fun?  I think Maria is going to mad at me and she will never play with me again.  Can't you keep Tucker tied up?"

"Young lady,it is NOT  Tucker's fault.  How many times have I told you to keep your most valuable and breakable toys up high and away from Tucker.  I think you should think about how you can earn some money to help Maria buy a new doll."

"But, Mom, it isn't my doll."

"I know, but when your friends are over to your house, you are responsible to do what is right.  If you know that your doll should be out of Tucker's reach, don't you think your best friend's doll should be also? It could have been your doll's head that was cracked."

"Gee, Mom there goes all my birthday money," complained Jennifer.

From that day on, Jennifer always remembered to keep her most important things up high and away from 'little fingers'.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Is the Biggest the Best?


Bully Billy was one of George's best friend, but he had a serious problem with greed.  He had a very bad habit of always taking the biggest and best of everything for himself.  If there were two pieces of candy or or two pieces of cake, he would always grab the largest.  Whatever it was, Bully Billy had to have to biggest and the best of everything.

George and Jennifer were very much aware of this problem of
Bully Billy many times about being so greedy, but  he didn't seem to change him.

It was the end of October, time to be planning for their annual. neighborhood Hallelujah party, instead of Halloween.  Ever since the children were little, they never wanted to celebrate Halloween, because they knew that it was the devil's holiday.  So they created for themselves a Hallelujah party. Each person dressed up in a biblical character for a contest. There was always plenty of candy, prizes and games to play. 

"I know how we can help Bully Billy George, " said Jennifer, "We know that Bully Billy  always picks the biggest piece of cake and the biggest present.  This year at the Hallelujah party we can help him."

"What do you mean help him, Jennifer."

"It will be very easy.  I will ask my mother to make cupcakes and have one particular cupcake really big  but without any vanilla filling." explained Jennifer

"Not a bad idea.  How about if we wrap up large box and put a small candy bar in the bottom." suggested George.

" But, what if someone else picks the big box first? Jennifer asked inquisitively

"I will take care of that, Jennifer.  I have my ways."

Jennifer didn't question George any more and went to ask her mother about making the cupcakes.  George went to find a big box, and wrapped it up with a big red bow.  

The day of the Hallelujah party arrived and the children were all dressed up in their biblical costumes. They had great fun trying to figure out who was who.  After about a half an hour, George passed out pieces of paper to take a vote, who had the best costume. After the vote was taken, guess who won? The children all voted for Bully Billy.  He was dressed as Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt with staff in hand.  Now, it was time for Bully Billy to pick a prize. There were three prizes.  One prize was $3.00gift card for the dollar store and another one was box of delicious Hersey chocolates, the children's favorite.  The third box was the biggest
and the prettiest wrapped prize.

George told Bully Billy to go over and pick a prize.  Bully Billy took a minute to look them all over and you guessed it.  He picked the biggest and the one wrapped the prettiest.

"Come on Bully Billy" encouraged the kids,  "Open your prize. There has to be something big inside."

Bully Billy was excited to see what he had won.  He ripped off the wrapping with both hands anxious to  see what was inside.  Tearing the box open, there on the bottom of the big box was a small candy bar.  Bully Billy looked so disappointed, but didn't say anything. He closed up the box and sat down by himself to think about it.  The children were all so surprised themselves to see such a small gift in a big box.

Realizing what was happening George and Jennifer started the next two games. "Come on, let's pay  bob for apples and pin the nose on the clown.  There will be surprise, except for Bully Billy.  He already has won a prize."

After the games, Jennifer's mother arrived with the cupcakes.  George made sure that Bully Billy had first choice.  The cupcakes were delicious chocolate vanilla filled cupcakes with fluffy white frosting.  These cupcakes were a tradition for the Hallelujah party. What a surprise on Bully Billy's face when he bit into the middle  and found it empty. Bully Billy didn't say anything, but decided to leave the party after that incident. He was very embarrassed.

That night he had a long talk with his mother and told her what had happened. His mother was very wise and encouraged him to think about the situation. "Billy," she asked, (she never called him Bully Billy), "Did you pick the biggest prize and the biggest piece of cake?"

 Bully Billy responded, "I always pick the biggest. It has to be the best right, Mom?"

"You are wrong Billy. That is your problem " explained Mom, "You thought because the box was big, it had to be a big prize in it, didn't you? And the same with the cupcake.  I bet you picked the biggest cupcake too?"

Bully Billy hung his head down, when he realized how impolite it was to always pick the biggest and best. He felt badly and from then on he was very careful not to choose the biggest and the best. George and Jennifer never said a word to Bully Billy or their friends what they had done.They kept it a secret.  Billy Bully did begin to change and was more thoughtful of his friends and many times he  asked them to choose first.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Lost in the Cave

chapter 4

It was a beautiful Fall weekend when both George's and Jennifer's families planned to go camping.  This was always the most anticipated annual camping trip to the mountains.  The children were never bored with trails to explore, mountains to hike and rivers to swim and to fish.  The parents also enjoyed the break from their busy lives. 
Everyone liked the campfires at night. The children cooked smores, while telling ghost stories.  

This adventure starts on the second day of their vacation. They were very familiar with the trail, but this time they discovered a cave that they hadn't seen before.  The entrance was covered with dry leaves and weeds.  You could hardly see the front.  

"Let's go inside Jennifer. Look, here is the entrance," said George excitedly .

" I don't think we should George.  There might be a bear in there getting ready to hibernate for the winter."

"Don't be silly Jennifer.  There are no bears around here. " George emphatically exclaimed

Jennifer reluctantly consented to go inside.  It very dark and scary. Their presence stirred up the bats and caused them to fly about the cave.  They finally flew out of the cave.  Neither George or Jennifer had a flash light with them.  They weren't expecting to investigate a cave.  The children keep walking and walking down, down into the dark cave.  Jennifer began to cry.

"George, I told you we shouldn't go in here.  I am so scared.  I want to go home." cried Jennifer anxiously.

"Oh, don't worry Jennifer.  We will be fine.  I will protect you ". encouraged George.

George then took Jennifer's hand and started to pray, "Lord Jesus we are lost in this cave.  We need your help."

No sooner had they prayed when two eyes appeared in the far corner of the cave.  "Look George, I know those are eyes of a bear.  Jesus come and help us?" said Jennifer at the top of her lungs

The eyes grew brighter and brighter, as if they could see in the dark.  It had to be an animal.  Perhaps it was , a raccoon, a possum, or a skunk! What was it?  The children huddled together waiting to see what the two eyes were. Then George remembered what he had read in school that animals always seem to know how to find their way out of places.  They have special instincts for their protection.

"Jennifer,"  said George 'we got our answer."  All we have to do is to follow this animal where it is going, because it will lead us out of this cave."

Jennifer was more relaxed knowing that George seemed more confident.  The animal started to move.  The children waited and then started to follow it.  Within a very short time they could see some daylight

" The Lord answered our prayers George..I never want an adventure like that ever again,George".  Jennifer emphatically stated..

The children were out of the cave.  What kind of animal do you think it was? If you thought it was a lost kitten, you were right.  George picked up the little kitten in his arms and carried it back to the campsite. His parents were waiting for him.

 "Where have you children been? We were getting worried. Where did you find the find that little kitten?."  asked George's Dad inquisitively.

George put the kitten down beside him while he tried to explain their adventure, but when he went to pick up the kitten it had disappeared.  The children could not find the kitten anywhere?  Where do you think it went? Could it have been an angel sent to rescue them from the cave.  What do you think?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Mysterious Big Box


 It was the morning of George's fifth birthday , when he awoke with great expectancy to find a new red bicycle.  George wanted it so much for his birthday, but when he went down stairs and didn't find it any where. He was deeply disappointed. Instead, in the middle of the living room was a big box wrapped up in newspaper.  It wasn't very pretty to look at.

George's parents and his older brother Charlie were sitting around waiting for George to open the big box.

"Come on, George, get with it", cried Charlie. " You are SO slow.  I want to know myself what is in the big box."

"O.k. Charlie here goes".  Just as he was about to strip the newspaper off of the big box, the door bell rang.

"George, will you answer the door for me? asked his mother

George went to the door and open it.  "SURPRISE GEORGE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY"  All the neighbor kids had arrived for a surprise party that his mother and father had planned. Everyone started to sing happy birthday and give their gifts to George. He was overwhelmed.  He never expected the neighbor kids to come to his birthday party. 

The big box was now half opened with many other presents to open. Jennifer was excited to see what was in the big box and said, "Come on George open the big box. I want to see what is in it."

George started again to rip the newspaper off of the big box. Tearing open the top of the big box, George 's eyes became as big as saucers! George got so excited he could hardly stand still.  "It is my bike, my red bike!  I can't believe it."

Inside the big box was his red bicycle he wanted so badly.  He jumped up and down with great enthusiasm. Daddy was going to have a job ahead to put together the bicycle, but it wouldn't take that long.  His daddy told him, he would put it together while he opened up the rest of his presents.

Jennifer, Anna and Marie together bought a present.  George opened their present and to his surprise, it  was bicycle basket.  It was a prefect gift and George was very happy.  He then opened bully Billy's present and found a special bicycle bell to ring, warning  people to get out of his way.  Pete and Mike bought  their present together also. They bought special red handle grips for the handle bars.

George was totally thrilled with all of his presents. Charlie was anxious to give George his present. It was a red helmet to wear for safety.  As George was finishing up opening all the presents, Daddy arrived back into the room with the red bike. "Come on George, let us all go outside and try out it out."

It didn't it long for the kids to go outside. They all wanted to try his new bike. His mother brought the birthday party outside .  Ice cream and cake was quickly devoured and the children spent the rest of the time taking turns riding the NEW RED BICYCLE.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Shiny Red Bicycle


The ONLY thing George wanted for his fifth birthday was a shiny red bicycle with training wheels, but his parents had some questions. Was he old enough to be responsible for a bike? Would he remember to put it in the garage every night and keep it off the driveway?  Would he obey his parents and ride ONLY where they gave him permission?
Daddy took George to the toy store to see if they could find a shiny red bicycle. "Daddy, daddy," George excitedly exclaimed. "Look over there! It is a shiny red bicycle! Can I please have it for my birthday? Please, please,and pretty please," George begged his daddy.  

His father didn't promise to buy the bicycle and told George that he wanted to talk with his mother. On the way home all George could talk about was the red bike

"Daddy, if only I could get that bicycle for my birthday."  George kept asking his father on the way home. His daddy and mommy had been thinking about getting George his first bicycle. Of course, it would have training wheels.  But how could they keep it a surprise? They didn't want him to expect a bike and then not be happy with whatever he received for his birthday.

It wasn't easy.  George kept talking and talking about the red bike to every one he met.  Jennifer was getting  tired of hearing about that 'red bike'.  "George, why don't you stop talking so much about that red bike?  I can't stand it.  You haven't been any fun this week,and all the kids are saying the same thing."

"But, you don't understand Jennifer, I really do want that red bike."

"Well, George, maybe you do, but just stop talking about it and come and play baseball with us this afternoon." Jennifer responded.

  "Ok Jennifer, but I still hope I get that bike for my birthday."

George promised that he would not talk about it any more.  His baseball game that afternoon wasn't very exciting.  He struck out three times and missed catching four fly balls. He just couldn't keep his mind on the game, so he decided to go home. Jennifer felt very bad for him. What if he didn't get the bike for his birthday? She was very concerned about her best friend.

The morning of George's birthday, he was up early and ran down stairs to see if he could find the shiny red bike, but he couldn't find it anywhere. He looked in the all the rooms and out in the garage, but no red bike! He was so disappointed. Then he remembered what his father told him, "George, if you don't get the red bike for your birthday, I want you to be happy with whatever you do get."  But, instead of a shiny red bike waiting for him, there was a big box wrapped up in ugly newspaper.  George didn't even want to open it.

His mother came down to start breakfast. and saw her sad little boy sitting in the middle of the living room with his hands resting on his chin in his lap., "George " she asked "Where is my happy birthday boy this morning? You look so sad."

"I am trying to be happy , but I didn't get the shiny red bike I really wanted Mom". George sadly replied

"I know George, you must be very disappointed that you didn't get the bicycle you wanted for your birthday, and you are trying to be grateful for what you do get."  his mother empathized. She tried to help him understand  that there are times in life when we just can't get everything we want but we always need to be thankful.

His father came downstairs and saw George sitting on the living room floor.

"What is all the commotion about this morning?" Daddy inquired. "Why haven't you opened your present George"

George didn't say a word. He didn't want to his dad to think he was ungrateful for his present. His father called George over to the big box sitting in the middle of the living room.

"George, why don't you open your present? asked daddy  

Reluctantly George started to open the big box.  His mind was not thinking about what could possibly be in the big box.  In some ways, he didn't even care,  What do you think was in the big box?

You will have to wait for chapter 3 to find out what was George's special birthday present  in the the big box.  I will give you one clue.  George NEVER expected what he found in the big box!! 

Monday, October 15, 2012



Chapter one

When George and Jennifer were four years old they were the best of "buddies".  Living next door to each, they were able to play together almost every day. 

 One hot sweltering summer afternoon, George and Jennifer asked if they could turn on the sprinkler and run through it.  Jennifer's mother said they could, but only if they put on their bathing suits and left the GARDEN HOSE  alone. But, first they had to finish their lunch. The mothers decided to set aside their daily chores in the afternoon and come outside to enjoy the children. But  they never expected what was going to happen.

The mothers were busy in conversation having a tea time on Jennifer's front porch, while the children laughed and ran through the sprinkler getting thoroughly soaked.

Since it was a hot afternoon, the mothers never noticed the children carrying the hose around to the back of the house.  Tucker, Jennifer's younger brother, was down for his afternoon nap and his bedroom window was opened. George and Jennifer took the garden hose and lifted it up through the bedroom window and turned on the water. What were they thinking?

A  scream came out of the house like you have never heard.  Poor little Tucker was totally drenched along with all his bedding. The scream alerted the two mothers  Jennifer's mother ran into the house, only to find the garden hose pouring water into the baby's crib. 

"Turn that water off now," yelled Jennifer's mother. "What do you children think you are doing?"

George and Jennifer quickly dropped the hose and ran into the garage.  They knew that they were in big trouble. They hid themselves in the back seat of the car under a blanket. They thought no one would see them there.   George's mother saw the children running to the garage and followed them .  She looked into the back seat and pulled the blanket off the two little mischiefs.

"George and Jennifer, you come out of there right now? George you go home immediately and Jennifer  your mother is looking for you."

The little children were so afraid of what was going to happen when their daddies came home that night.

What do you think happened?  If you think they were sent to bed early without a story, you were right.  Besides an early bedtime, the children were not able to play together for a whole week.

Who do you think they were pretending to be when they were playing with the hose?  You guessed it. FIREMEN.  I hope you would never do a thing like that.


Hello boys and girls. Are you ready for a new adventure?  I would like to introduce you to the                      


Welcome to Sunnyvale, USA, where the happy hearts of parents and children live together sharing the love of Jesus through their many trials and tribulations.  It is a small town that perhaps you would like to visit or to live there some day.   Whether it rains or shines , you will find the children happy because their problems are always able to be worked out with a forgiving heart.  They are not perfect children, but they are the perfect children for Sunnyvale. Some children go to public school and some are home schooled.  Would you like to meet a few of them?

First, let me introduce you to George and Jennifer.  You might think that they are brother and sister, but they are not.  They are just very good friends.  As soon as they were old enough to play together, you could always count on them to get into some kind of mischief. I will have to tell you sometime about when they played fireman in the neighbor's back yard. But, for now, let me continue to introduce their friends.

You will meet Charlie.  He is George's older brother. He protects George from bully Billy, who thinks that he is a big shot, but he really is shy and insecure. He doesn't know how to be a friend.   Tucker is Jennifer's younger brother, who likes to play with the older kids, but he is really a nuisance.
  You will meet Marie. The little girl with dancing feet.  You will love to hear what happens to her dance shoes the day of her recital.  And than there is Anna, the little girl with cripple feet, who has been in a wheel chair since she was old enough to sit in it. Johnnie is also a little boy with troubled feet.  He has 'club ' feet but,  George understands and is very kind to him. Amanda is a new girl from the city and you will hear about her experiences trying to adjust to the ways of Sunnyvale.

I don't want to forget Harry the Hermit and his dog Champ.  They live together in a cabin in the woods not far from George's house. You will love his story about "baby Doe"

There will be many other friends of George and Jennifer along the way, who you will grow to know and love as much as I do.  I will be writing these adventures in chapters, so you will be able to make a book of the ADVENTURES OF GEORGE AND JENNIFER.

 I have provided an email opportunity on the side of the blog.  If you will put your email there you will be able to know when another chapter is written.  See you in Sunnyvale soon!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The basket ride


One day Ribbit the rabbit and his cousin Ben were out in the green meadow looking for carrots, when they stumbled upon a huge basket."WOW, said Ribbit.  It sure is big! I wonder what it is doing in the green forest?"

"I don't know Ribbit, we better leave it alone."  No sooner had Ben responded when he saw Reddy the Fox hiding behind the big oak tree. "Ribbit, don't look now, but Reddy is behind the oak tree"
Cousin Ben

"Hey, Ben, jump into the basket quick. We can hide until Reddy leaves us alone." Reddy did not see the two bunnies jump into the basket.  Wondering where they went, he gave up waiting and went back to his den.

Peering over the top of the basket, Ribbit and Ben could see that Reddy had left.  He wasn't around, so the two bunnies felt quite confident and safe in the basket.

Ribbit found a long rope hanging down inside the basket and started to pull it. Before the two bunnies knew it, they were going up, up up into the air.  They didn't  recognize that a balloon was attached to the basket until it was too late.

"Oh my jumping beans," loudly exclaimed Ribbit.  "We are up in a helium balloon"

"What are we going to do Ribbit.  We are in trouble.  I don't know anything about a  balloon"

"Don't worry Ben.  I will get us down.  Let's just enjoy the ride.  It is a beautiful day" The two bunnies floated around for an hour before they noticed that it was getting dark and that they had better quickly find a way down!  Ribbit noticed a pole laying on it's side on the bottom of the basket with a very sharp point at the end.

"Hey Ben, would you help me with this pole?  I think I can poke a hole in the balloon and then we will come down faster." The two bunnies tried to poke a hole in the balloon.  It wasn't very easy.  It took both their strengths to force the point of the pole into the balloon and then.....the helium came rushing out faster and faster.

"Ribbit, it is too fast!  slow it down!

Ready the fox
"I can't Ben.  We are on the way down and I don't know where we are going to land." What the bunnies didn't know was that the balloon was going to land on top of the trees in the BLACK FOREST where all the gray, red, and white foxes lived. They had been warned many times about the Black Forest. It was a very dangerous forest for bunnies. As the balloon came down, Ribbit and Ben noticed that the foxes were gathering together for some kind of trouble.

"Oh Ben, don't look now but I think that we are landing in the Black forest.  It is a good thing that foxes don't eat carrots.  They cannot see us in the dark.  We eat our carrots and they don't.  We better stay right in the basket for the night."

"I'm scared Ribbit.  We never should have been so curious about the basket. What are you going to do?"

"Sleep Ben.  We are going to sleep and decide in the morning."  The two little bunnies snuggle down and tried to sleep.  In the morning they decided to get out of the basket, climb down the tree and try to find their way home to the Green Forest.  They didn't travel too far when a gray fox spotted them.

"Don't look now Ribbit, but I think someone is following us."  This was not good news. Before they knew it a whole pack of foxes were spying them out.

Just as they were thinking there had no hope to survive, from behind them a huge dark shadow swooped down, picked both bunnies up in its claw and fly out of the Black Forest. What could it be?  Who could it be?

Mr. Owl to the rescue!!!
Before Ribbit and Ben knew it they were back safely in the Green Forest. It was  Mr. Owl, who was aware of the grievous situation and acted quickly to save the bunnies' lives.

"Oh, Mr.Owl.  We can't thank you enough for saving our lives. If there is ever anything we can do for you, please let us know." I don't think we will ever see ribbit and Ben in a hot air balloon again.  What do you think?


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cubby Thinks He Knows It All

Cubby was the most independent little bear cub in the green forest.  It seemed that he had to learn everything the hard way. His mother was very patient with him, but it was hard to teach him anything.  He thought he knew it all, until one day when he discovered he wasn't so smart.

It was the season for the salmon run and Cubby didn't want to miss it this year. Now, he was old enough to catch his own salmon.   One afternoon after his nap , he noticed it was unusually quiet, so he  climbed up into his favorite look-out in a tree in the green forest. He noticed that all his buddies were down by the river. Cubby thought,"This is great. I'm going down and catch myself a salmon." But what he didn't know was that it was VERY DANGEROUS to catch salmon in this particular river, because of a quick drop-off.  Without warning you could be swept down stream towards the dam.  But Cubby didn't think much about danger.

By the time he arrived at the river , all of the other bear cubs with their mothers were having a feast. There was plenty of salmon jumping out of the water to satisfy their hunger.  Cubby thought to himself, "This is be a snap. I can do this!."  There was only one problem. When Cubby started to wade out to the salmon, He didn't know about the quick drop-off. Before Cubby knew it, he was over his head and he didn't know how to swim. He never took time to learn.  The river was flowing very fast and Cubby was caught in a whirlpool that started to pull him down stream.   He grabbed a piece of a broken tree limb floating by and for the first time in his life HE WAS SCARED!  The water was cold and his fur was wet and very heavy.  The salmon were jumping up stream all around him  as he was being pulled swiftly down stream.. Cubby could only look at the salmon as they jumped  upstream.

Grizzly and Cubby
His friend Grizzly saw what was happening and quickly ran along the river bank waiting for the right place and time to jump in to rescue Cubby. Grizzly was three years older than Cubby and understood what to do. Cubby was heading for the waterfall and he was moving faster and faster screaming out, "Help, help!, help!" Grizzly didn't waste any time. He noticed that Cubby was holding onto a tree limb.  That was perfect.  Grizzly called out to Cubby, "I 'm coming Cubby, don't let go of the tree limb."  For once Cubby knew he wasn't so smart.  Grizzly was swimming out to save his life at the risk of his own. Grizzly grabbed hold of one end of the tree limb and pulled Cubby back to shore.

 As they came to shore they were surrounded by all the other bear cubs and their mothers, who had seen what was happening. They had stopped their fishing to follow Grizzly.  Cubby's mother wasn't there because Cubby had never told her where he was going. Then off in the distance came Cubby's mother running like lightening.  Grizzly's mother had told her about Cubby. When Cubby saw his mother coming, he ran as fast as he could towards her. "I am so sorry mommy for not asking if I could go to the river.  Please forgive me."  Cubby's mother was kind and took this opportunity to teach Cubby that he wasn't so smart after all. If he wanted to catch salmon he had better learn to swim and to remember to always ask his mother if he could go to the river. 

Cubby and his mother heading home.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Do you know your right hand from your left?

How many of you know your right hand from your left?  This will be a fun story.  As your mother or father reads this story out loud there is something you will have to do!

leftt hand
right hand
Every time you hear the word THIS raise your RIGHT hand and every time you hear THAT raise your LEFT hand.  Every time you hear the word KING raise both hands and say "OH MY".
You've got it? Here is the story.  It goes like this. (right hand) tricky!!!

This is a story about a King, who wanted his people to learn to do things for themselves.  When a problem came up they always asked, "King, what should we do? "  The king was getting very  tied  of his people always asking questions and never doing anything for themselves, so he thought he would teach a lesson.

The king called his most, trusted and special servant to his throne room and said, "Take this shovel and this bag of gold and dig a hole in the middle of the road. Then put this bag of gold  in that hole and cover that hole with a big stone.".  The servant left and dug a big hole as he was asked to do. He put that bag of gold into the hole and covered it with a big stone. He returned to the king and this is what the the king told him, "Now whoever removes that rock out of the middle of the road may keep the gold." 

Out of curiosity the king sat by his window watching the reaction of the people. First a man came by, ""What is that," he questioned to himself,  'what is this stone doing in the middle of the road?  It will block my vegetable cart when I go to the market.  I must go and tell the king.".   "This is just what I expected ,' said the king.'that man will NOT get the gold."

Later some teenagers came by and saw the stone in the middle of the road,"What a stupid place for a stone.  We had better go to tell the king."  This response sadden the king. He thought at least the young people would have thought for the safety of others, but they didn't. The king said, "The gold will not be theirs"

Several days went by and the king was getting rather anxious, "Isn't there anyone in the my kingdom who can think for themselves?"  No one THOUGHT to remove the stone. Every time they ran to tell the king. So the king told his servant, "I will give this challenge one more day to see if there is anyone in this kingdom who will think for themselves." 

The very next day a young boy came down the road and saw the stone.  "What is this stone doing in the middle of the road?  That can be very dangerous. Someone might get hurt. I had better move this stone."  The young boy bent down, picked up the stone and noticed the bag of gold in the hole. He looked inside the bag and said,  "Oh no,this is gold!  I must return this gold to the king." The king saw the boy remove the stone and he was delighted, "At last I've found someone who can do this or that for himself!"
The young man and the king

The boy went to the king and told him his story, "Sir, this has to be your gold"  But the king interrupted him and said, "Son, you are the only one in my kingdom who removed that stone and this gold is your to keep." And that is the end of the story about that boy and that gold and this king.