Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Little BROWN Hen

This is a story I heard when I was a little girl about a little brown hen, who saved the life of Bobby Jacobs. Bobby Jacobs lived with his mom and dad in a small town outside a big city.  It was during the Great Depression, when many daddies were out of work and money was scarce. Bobby's daddy was also out of work and all their savings were running out.  His mother was a very thrifty woman.  In the summer, she canned all the vegetables in the garden and fruits in the orchards, so that in the winter they had beets, green beans, carrots, peaches, apple sauce and cherries to eat.

One morning Bobby woke up very sick.  His mommy and daddy didn't know what they were going to do.  His fever was getting higher and higher.  They had just enough gas to get to town to see a doctor. Old Dr. Smith took one look at Bobby and and knew exactly what was the matter. Bobby had contracted a disease that ONLY EGGS could cure.  The doctor told Bobby's mother that for the next six week he was to have a least ONE EGG a day  His parents were very grateful to know that there was a cure for his illness, but how were they going to buy the eggs or have enough money to pay the doctor? 

That night when they returned home, Bobby, his mom and dad got down on their knees and prayed for God to provide for them.  They needed ONE EGG a day for their son to recover. In the morning, Bobby's mother looked out the kitchen window . She noticed that a little brown hen was coming out of the bushes.  Quickly, she went out to see what it was doing in their yard.

In the bushes this little brown hen had built a nest and laid an egg.  "Lord Jesus," his mother exclaimed ,"You have answered our prayer and  here is today's provision!"  That night they prayed again and in the morning there was another egg.  This went on for the full six weeks.  Every morning after they had prayed, the little brown hen laid an  

Then one day when Bobby was feeling so much better, he noticed that the little brown hen was walking on the road.  She had laid her LAST egg for Bobby.  Bobby was well and the little brown hen was not needed any more. Bobby ran down the road to try to catch her and thank her for all the eggs, but she was gone. 

After my grandmother would tell me that story, I wanted her to tell it to me again and again.  She would ask me  "Where do you think the little brown hen came from and where did she go?" What do you think?

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