Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Happy Heart Family

Mr. and Mrs. Heart

Faith, Hope and Love

I would like to introduce you to the Heart family, who love each other very much.  They live in a peaceful garden among many beautiful, colorful flowers and butterflies that visit their garden in the Springtime.

Mr. and Mrs. Heart loved each other very much and were very proud of their three little girls, Faith, Hope and Love.   The three little girls loved their mommy and daddy and always wanted to
obey them. Every day their daddy would remind them how important it was to keep the garden safe by their obedience.

In the morning before daddy left for work he would remind his girls, " Faith, you will have faith as long as you obey me but when you don;t you will become fearful."  "Hope, as long as you obey me you will have hope, but when you don't you will begin to doubt."  "Love, oh please always obey me because if you don't I will lose you in unbelief and you will want to leave the Garden."

Daddy had only one very important RULE, and it was that the girls were never to let any one into the Garden without his permission. Their safety depended on their obedience. Faith, Hope and Love played happily in the Garden every day without any arguments.They knew how to share their toys and to speak kindly to each other

One morning Hope  was up before her sisters and went out into the Garden for a walk, when she heard a knock at the Garden gate. "Who is it," she asked.  "It is a friend of your father and I have a message for him."

"But I can't let you in." said Hope.  But then Doubt replied,"Little Hope, your father knows me, He just didn't tell you I was stopping by." Hope began to doubt. She thought it really couldn't hurt anything  He says he is a friend of her daddy's, so Hope opened the gate to the garden and let in Mr. Doubt.

When Faith saw what Hope had done she said,"Now look what you did Hope,  You have let doubt into the Garden.  Now what are we going to do?"
Hope was so sad . She hung her head in shame.  Mr. Doubt went over to the gate to let in his other two friends, Mr. Fear and Mr Unbelief.
Faith and Love raced over and quickly shut the gate. "Oh no you don't Mr. Doubt.  You have to leave right now. "  Daddy heard the girls shouting and immediately went to see what was the matter.

 When he saw that it was Mr. Doubt he didn't waste any time. He confronted Mr.Doubt face to face and he melted like ice in hot water.  He was NO MORE. 

Mr. Heart called his girls together to talk with them. "Faith and Love you did well not letting fear and unbelief into the Garden, but Hope, I am afraid I can't leave you alone without Faith and Love. ever again.We need you Hope in our family to be faithful and obedient because as you grow up your two sisters Faith and Love will need your strength."  Daddy hugged Hope as she humbly responded,"Yes, daddy I will never open the gate again without your permission."   Faith, Hope and Love grew to be very wise and together they kept Fear, Doubt and Unbelief out of the Garden all the days of their lives..

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